Tuesday, September 17, 2013


As I was driving home from the gym this morning I couldn't help but notice all of the robots that were around me...alright they were people driving in their cars, but something about it felt very robotic.  Everyone was driving the same speed...which was fast...and the roads were packed!  I couldn't help but think that I really wish life were simpler sometimes, that we weren't in such a rush to get places, that we could just slow things down and enjoy the moment we're in, not just get caught up in what's next.  So with that said I am going to try to make a conscious effort to "slow things down" a bit.  I'm definitely a person who is looking to what's next, and think at times I'm missing quite a bit that's going on around me.  I think it happens with goal driven people...so I guess it's time for a new goal.  Slow down (not when training or racing of course) and enjoy the process a bit more.  Try to cram in less, and make the most of the moments we have.

1 comment:

Carolina John said...

I think it's ironic that the comment form for this post asks us to "prove that you're not a robot".

I'm tired and hungry all the time too so I can also assume my ironman training is up to par. And at the same time it feels so robotic.