Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Recovered...I Think So...

Something that is always interesting is this whole "recovery" thing.  Your mind gets kind of warped after you race Ironman, and you get a funky mindset that you don't need to recover for long after "shorter" races.  Since I had raced a half ironman (which is a long me!  I'm not trying to down play this distance, or any distance!!!) I am not sure how much recovery time I need.  So I have taken it easy, Sunday an hour spin on the trainer, Monday a 4 mile run, and yesterday 3400 meters swimming.  My body feels fine, and so I decided to test it this morning.  I rode computrainer at Endure It, and put up a set that would get progressively harder:

15 minute warm up
5 x 1 minute @ 125% (~380-400 watts)
2 minute rest interevals
5 x 1 minute @ 125% (~380-400 watts)
1:30 minute rest intervals
5 x 1 minute @ 125% (~380-400 watts)
1 minute rest interevals
Cool Down

After the first couple I wasn't sure that my legs were ready, but I was putting everyone through a lot of pain, and how could I not jump into the hurt locker with them?  I mean it's only the right thing to do.  I find it hard to try to push people if they don't see you pushing yourself, it just doesn't seem right to try to tell someone to ride harder when you're sitting there spinning your legs.  That helped to motivate me and it worked.  I was able to finish up the set, and felt pretty strong throughout.  Actually I felt better with the shorter rest intervals, not sure why but I did.

There is some funky weather right now, and hopefully it clears up before tonight.  I figure I might as well start to get on my schedule that I had posted a couple of days that means a longer run today (alright I traded the swim for a bike because I needed to help out).  So a "time consuming" run would be on tap for later tonight, I'm going to shoot for between an hour and a half and two hours...I think it might be cool to run as the sun goes down and to enjoy the evening.  The biggest thing for me is going to be to keep the pace in check...stupid me always runs too hard.  I'm going to head out tonight at a comfortable pace, and then see what happens.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good luck on the run!