Tuesday, December 7, 2010

December Running Challenge Day 6 & 7

It feels like the weather just decided to take a major dip in temperature lately.  I'm not complaining because I feel that if you dress right you'll be alright and that really is the case.  So I haven't been cold on runs.  The challenge is going well, and I'm really trying to not over exert myself.  I just run by feel, and check the pace when I'm done.  I'm pleasantly surprised most of the time and have just been getting the time in.  Consistency is key, which is why this challenge is awesome!

If you're following the challenge and need this next weeks plan here it is:

Tuesday - 25 minutes
Wednesday - 20 minutes
Thursday - 30 minutes
Friday - 25 minutes
Saturday - 25 minutes
Sunday - 40 minutes
Monday - 20 minutes

Last night I didn't get my run in until 9:30 at night.  I felt bad that the dogs wanted to go, so I brought them with.  While we were running they were fine, and happy.  They were even happy when we were done, the problem is that poor Winther has something funky with his hip (I'm afraid to say it but I think he has hip dysplasia).  The poor guy was limping last night, and a little this morning.  I won't take them again, and just have to get my runs in somewhere other than home...I feel too bad having them see me run away knowing they aren't coming with.  Wish there was something I could do, but unfortunately there isn't.  He loves running, and getting out there, but I just can't stand to see him limping later.  The challenge continues today...

This mornings computrainer was solid, more aerobic types of work, much more towards the upper end though.

15' warm up

2 x 20'
  • 10' @ 80% (cadence 100+)
  • 5' @ 85% (cadence 50-60)
  • 5' @ 90% (natural cadence)
Cool Down

This wasn't all that difficult, and I find it hard to sit at 80% without pushing a little harder...I think I'm good at about 82.7983% strange I know!

1 comment:

Chris Wichert said...

Hey Rick,

I've been following your blog, great season! I also heard that you've joined the IScorp Triathlon Team so we'll be teammates next year. We'll have to plan some computrainer wkouts with the team over the winter months.

Chris Wichert