Thursday, April 7, 2011


Typically when I get on my bike to do a set on the computrainer I nail the set.  This morning was not the case, I went into the hurt locker early, and stayed there for the entire set.  I even blew up in the middle, but stuck with it and brought it all back together by the end.  I could try to say that I ran hard the past two days, but screw it that would be an excuse and remember in Wedding Crashers they say rule number ?? "no excuses play like a champion."  I pushed as much as I could, and felt like I gave a solid effort by the end, when I really just wanted to bag it today.

My run training has been going pretty well, and I have nailed two solid runs the past two days.  I'm going to run today, but really need to keep it slow!  It's tough to keep things slow when you're running in the new Zoot Ultra TT 4.0's, I love those shoes!!  I don't think I've run in a shoe that is as nice!  Swimming has also been coming along nicely, and I have been holding a faster pace than I used to.  I still have 12 weeks until CDA so hopefully things will continue to progress, and I'll be able to put it all together for that race.  5 weeks until my first race of the year, kind of scary actually.  I feel as if I need to start picking things up a little bit more.  I have been consistent which is good, now I need to start to add a little volume, mainly to the swim and bike.  I'm happy with my running volume right now, just need to make sure I keep getting those long runs in.

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