Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Determination & Dedication

This weekend I was in San Diego for my cousins wedding.  We had a great time, hanging out with family, surfing all of that fun stuff.  It was really relaxing and I think we all had a great time.  I'll post some pictures in a little while from the weekend.

The final build has begun.  There are only 61 days until Ironman Arizona.  As I was running/riding/running last night I was thinking of some words that I would key in on for this final build.  What came to mind were determination and dedication.  I am determined to put together the best race that I can on November 21st, and that's all I can wish for...my best race.  I know there will be high times, and low times during the race as there always are during Ironman. 

I know I am dedicated and always have been, now it's time to get the work done.  Last night was a run/bike/run session.  I wanted to make sure the dogs got some exercise so we ran 3 miles together (mile one was 6:13...think they were excited?) I rode for an hour on the rollers (I forgot how much focus that takes), and then ran another 2.5 with the dogs (they were a little more tired this time around).  It was a solid session, and good to know that my legs felt great the whole time.  An hour on the trainer this morning watching Bloodsport was a great way to start the day.  I still have a run planned, and have a feeling it might be a warm one, which is alright by me.  Oh yea, and have I said how awesome it is to bike commute?  I love my cross bike, and it's quite nice to not have a car at work, maybe the extra miles will help in November?

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