Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Not a Fan of the Rain Right Now...and the Swim Challenge is "Officially"Done

When it comes to the rain I usually don't mind.  Right now though I'm not really a fan of it.  Commuting in the rain is probably the worst...it sucks to have to put on wet clothes just to commute home.  And there is no way I'm bringing an extra set to ride home in.  I'll get over it...I would just much rather have the sun...or snow.  I think we're quite a ways away from snow though.

So I've been tapering for a couple of days and I'm already going nuts.  I'm not good at sitting around and doing nothing, I'd rather be up and active.  I know this is what I need, it's just hard to dial things back.  Computrainer this morning was good, I kept things in check and felt like it was a good mix of work without going too hard.  Only one more computrainer session before Kona though.

My swim challenge to hit 60,000 yards is "Officially" complete and I'm currently over that number...but I now have a new number, which I think is pretty attainable too.  It's all about stepping up right, this isn't too crazy, but I definitely think I can step it up.  I'm feeling awesome in the water right now, and my effort seems to be way down to hit certain times.  I'm not going to really increase the effort at this point, but just want to keep the engine going.  This is kind of strange, but I'm enjoying swimming...STRANGE!!!

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