Tuesday, November 9, 2010


It's taper time, for me it's more of a time to get my mind wrapped around the task at hand and time to take care of the details.  I haven't ever flown to race somewhere, so this is a little different than other races I have done.  Other races I didn't have to worry about getting my bike somewhere because it was in my car with me, this time around that's not the case.  I can't "overpack" to make sure I have everything, so I've already started a list of stuff that I need to bring.  By the end of this season I had become very efficient with what I brought to races.  My last race I showed up with a backpack...and my bike...nothing else.  I saw people with coolers, multiple duffle bags, water bins...and other random stuff.  I feel like packing for this race is going to make me one of these people...hence the list.  I'll feel a lot better after I drop my bike off and get a quick spin on it with the race wheels.

This morning at computrainer the class did their first threshold test.  Seeing as I know where my numbers are I didn't test...instead rode a consistent effort and still held a high average wattage (272 watts) for the 30 minute test.  I had a ton left in the tank and was talking throughout the test to help encourage people.  It would have been interesting to see where I might have ended up had I pushed it, but I know better than that.  It's not time to drink the kool-aid yet.  I have put in the work, so now is time to rest up and let it pay off.  Swimming went well yesterday, and I plan on getting in the water every day to continue to build that confidence.  I know what I'm capable of in the water, and think I have set my goal to definitely be attainable.

Can't wait to Race!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Best of luck in the race! You are ready!!