Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Patience...I must have Patience

So I was looking back at my power numbers from last year at this time and I came to realize that my numbers are very similar. I thought that I would be ahead of the game now, and I think I am ahead of where I was last year at this time, but my numbers haven't showed it. My "big" race (isn't every race a big race?) of the year isn't until the end of November, so I don't want to burn out early on, but at the same time, like any competitive person, I want more fitness...and I want it now! As I was driving home from computrainer this morning I was talking to myself, as I often do, and tried to tell myself that I need to have patience.

I need to look at the gains I made in the water, and also the gains I have made running, while not letting my bike slack off at all. That is a huge positive that I need to embrace. As much as you want everything, you can't always have it. Life is about being patient, and good things will come to those who wait. So I will wait, and I know I will be rewarded in the long run. Waiting is difficult, but will just make the outcome so much sweeter in the end.

This mornings computrainer workout was solid. Ron put up a great set with all threshold work. I wanted to go above what my threshold tested at...hoping that I would be able to hang, and that I did!

15 minute warm up
5 minutes @ AT (305 watts)
3 minutes RI
10 minutes @ AT (308 watts)
5 minutes RI
10 minutes @ AT (311 watts)
5 minutes RI
5 minutes @ AT (320 watts)
Cool Down

This was solid, and I would say I was working at a "threshold" type of output. It was hard, but not so hard where I felt like I had nothing at all left. It was a good boost, and I need to keep pushing. I'll head out for a little shake out run today and that will be about it. And I will have to remember that good things come to those who wait!

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