Thursday, May 13, 2010

About a week away...

...from racing in Galena.  I'm ready, but have to keep in mind that this is not the "A" race for the year...that doesn't happen until November.  This will be a great initial test of fitness though, and a nice opportunity to get out and compete.  I have found that in races my biggest competition is my own mind.  I can do what my mind says I can, and I need to remember that and stay positive.

I met with Nestor last night, who has to be the best massage therapist!  My body feels awesome and I was able to hammer my trainer session this morning.  I was just about in tears when he was working on my foot trying to deal with this plantar fascia issue...but it's all for the best.

I'm hoping to get out on my new single speed for a little riding this weekend, and I'm thinking about ideas for the next paint job on a bike.

Didn't even need the "Singulator"

And here is the new project that I will be taking on this summer.  Hopefully it will be done to get a little riding in before the snow comes.

Roxy isn't sure how she feels about the new bike...that might mean less play time for her, I had to tell her that we would still run and go to the dog park so she's all good now!

Winther is just concerned that I get all of my training in and that doing these projects doesn't take away from getting in some solid time.  He spends a lot of time putting together my training programs and gets ticked if I don't hit my numers...what an awesome coach!

1 comment:

Brian said...

Your next project bike is way cool. I think my brother had that exact bike but in blue. The shifter is awesome!